What you'll learn

Find out more about the course content

    1. Getting started with this training

    2. A message from Shona McCarthy, Chief Executive at Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society

    3. About the Fringe

    1. Lesson one: The Equality Act 2010

    2. Facts about disability

    3. What is the Equality Act?

    4. What is discrimination?

    5. Protected characteristics

    6. Protected characteristics: scenario

    7. Reasonable adjustments

    8. Reasonable adjustment: scenario

    1. Lesson two: Information, communication and best practice

    2. Edinburgh: The Festival City

    3. How does the Fringe Society help?

    4. Communication and best practice: top tips

    5. Equalities: scenario

    6. Wheelchair user facts & figures

    7. Wheelchair users

    8. Wheelchair user scenarios

    9. Blindness facts & figures

    10. Blind and visually impaired people

    11. Blind and visually impaired people – quiz

    12. Deafness facts & figures

    13. Hearing loss: scenario

    14. British Sign Language

    15. How to work with BSL / English interpreters

    16. Showing deaf awareness – do’s and don’ts

    17. Hearing impairment: scenario

    18. End of lesson two

    1. Lesson three: Attitude

    2. Attitude problems

    3. What should I do?!

    4. Attitude scenario

    5. Hidden disabilities: autism

    6. Autism facts & figures

    7. Talking about autism

    8. How you can show awareness

    9. Autism scenario

    10. End of lesson three

About this course

  • 39 lessons
  • Free for everyone working as part of the Fringe in 2024.